主演:鲁克·高斯 罗伯特·戴维 戴维·费尔南德斯 芭芭拉·帕多 帕特里夏·德
简介:The film, which marks the directorial debut of singer-turned-actor Luke Goss, is currently in post-production. Also starring Goss, alongside Robert Davi and Patricia De Leon, it tells the story of a man who must go to extreme lengths to discover what happened to his kidnapped wife and daughter. Soda intends to launch the film to coincide with the reunion concert tour of Bros., the 1980s' pop band Luke performed in with his brother Matt. The reunion was original intended as a one-off concert at London's O2 Arena on August 19, marking the anniversary of the band's last concert in 1989. However, when that show sold out within a minute of going on sale the tour was expanded to include six further dates at the O2 and at other venues around the U.K. in August
主演:理查德·卡夫拉尔 卡洛斯·普拉斯 戴维·费尔南德斯 豪尔赫·迪亚斯 金
简介:2012年,西班牙裔大男孩杰西·艾瑞斯塔(安德鲁•雅各布 Andrew Jacobs 饰)和好友们高中毕业。炎炎夏日,男孩和家人们饮酒作乐,欢天喜地,每天则与赫德(Jorge Diaz 饰)则玩着各种各样的蠢蛋游戏。杰西楼下住着名叫安娜的胖女人,某天他们用摄像机偷窥安娜的房间,竟然目击到了神秘惊悚的一幕。传说中安娜是名女巫,这由此勾起了两个大男孩的探险欲望。某天晚上,同学奥斯卡惊慌失措从安娜的房间逃跑,不久后安娜的尸体则被警方发现。在此之后,杰西、赫德拿着摄像机进入安娜家中探险,兴奋之余,他们不知道自己正置身难以逃脱的恐怖漩涡。 偶然机缘,杰西发现自己拥有了超人的力量,而影响深远的恐怖故事就此上演……
主演:鲁克·高斯 罗伯特·戴维 戴维·费尔南德斯 芭芭拉·帕多 帕特里夏·德
简介:The film, which marks the directorial debut of singer-turned-actor Luke Goss, is currently in post-production. Also starring Goss, alongside Robert Davi and Patricia De Leon, it tells the story of a man who must go to extreme lengths to discover what happened to his kidnapped wife and daughter. Soda intends to launch the film to coincide with the reunion concert tour of Bros., the 1980s' pop band Luke performed in with his brother Matt. The reunion was original intended as a one-off concert at London's O2 Arena on August 19, marking the anniversary of the band's last concert in 1989. However, when that show sold out within a minute of going on sale the tour was expanded to include six further dates at the O2 and at other venues around the U.K. in August