主演:约翰·韦恩 杰弗里·亨特 维拉·迈尔斯 沃德·邦德 娜塔莉·伍德 约翰
简介:曾参加过美国内战的退伍老兵埃森·爱德华兹(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)战争结束后返回家乡德克萨斯州,来到哥哥的农场希望与亲人重聚团圆。埃森一直暗恋着自己的嫂子,只把这份感情放在心底。然而一场科曼奇族的突袭,让埃森的心愿彻底粉碎。在这次印地安人的袭击中,埃森的哥嫂双双被杀,侄女黛比(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)被掠,生死未卜。 为了给自己心爱的嫂子复仇,也为了找到黛比的下落,埃森在哥哥养子马丁(杰弗里·亨特 Jeffrey Hunter 饰)的陪伴下,开始了艰难的搜寻岁月。埃森不惜耗时五年和花费千元赏金来寻找酋长斯卡的下落,然而埃森对印第安人彻骨的仇恨和几近疯狂的举动,让马丁开始怀疑叔叔搜索黛比的真正原因,马丁甚至担心,埃森会杀死已被印第安人同化的黛比。
简介:I remember seeing this film as a lad on a family outing in Manhattan, topped off by my insistence that we have dinner at Jack Dempsey's Restaurant in Manhattan. Too bad the old champ wasn't there that day or it would have been a perfect Sunday. Seeing it now on a formatted VHS the awesomeness of the spectacle during the scenes of the circus fires and the capsized ship in the harbor is really lost. It's quite an eyeful and should only be scene in theaters. And the film would be revived, but we have a subdued John Wayne here and it's not for the better. This was originally to be a Frank Capra film and Capra bowed out after creative differences with the Duke and some of the Duke's personal entourage. Read the Capra autobiography to find out exactly what they were, but they weren't fully fixed in the final product by director Henry Hathaway who later piloted the Duke to his Oscar in True Grit. John Wayne was a guy who was usually very careful to give the public the Duke they expected. Even when he stretched his abilities it was done with a firm directorial hand. We're asked to accept the Duke as a man who had an adulterous affair here. He also does not throw one punch in this entire film or fire a weapon in other than it being part of his Wild West Show. The people went to see John Wayne, but they didn't get their money's worth. Pity because it would have been great to see John Wayne with Rita Hayworth in a great film. That couldn't have happened when they were younger because of Rita's contract with Columbia pictures and Wayne's personal boycotting of that studio because of his dislike for Harry Cohn. That story I won't go into. Rita Hayworth who doesn't enter into the film until almost halfway through is fine as Wayne's lost love. She and Claudia Cardinale looked just fine in tights as trapeze artists. Lloyd Nolan as Wayne's sidekick is always good. Richard Conte is Hayworth's brother-in-law and Cardinale's uncle. This fine actor is wasted here in a part that either was badly written or left on the cutting room floor. John Smith was a Wayne protégé of sorts, Wayne gave him an early break in The High and the Mighty which he produced. Smith went on to star in the Laramie TV series and on completion of that he was cast opposite Cardinale, probably at Wayne's insistence. I remember always wondering what happened to him because he left show business shortly afterwards. Then back in the Nineties I read he had died of cirrhosis of the liver. I guess you can fill in the blanks. At the time Circus World came out, there was on television a prime time series called International Showtime. It was on Fridays at 8 pm. and it was set in a different city in Europe every week. Hosted by Don Ameche it featured the very best circus acts in the world. So did Circus World, but it certainly was no incentive for people to come out to see this when they could see the same thing at home. Also Paramount re-released Cecil B. DeMille's The Greatest Show on Earth to a brisk box office business at the same time Circus World came out. So for all these reasons Circus World flopped and bankrupted producer Samuel Bronstein. Nevertheless if you're a circus fan you will enjoy seeing this. But it's not the Duke his fans have come to expect.
主演:罗伯特·蒙哥马利 约翰·韦恩 唐娜·里德 杰克·霍尔特 沃德·邦德 马
简介:In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippine waters and attack Japanese ships. The PT boat initially had little respect from senior Navy officers but their maneuverability and speed however quickly change their minds. As the Japanese advance across the Philippines, the PT boats become essential in evacuating the senior personnel including General Mac Arthur.
简介:J.D. Cahill is the toughest U.S. Marshal they've got, just the sound of his name makes bad guys stop in their tracks, so when his two young boys want to get his attention they decide to rob a bank. They end up getting more than they bargained for.
主演:约翰·韦恩 哈迪·克鲁格 爱尔莎·玛蒂妮利 莱德·巴顿斯
语言:英语 / 斯瓦希里语
简介: 西部片巨匠霍华德·霍克斯Howard Hawks导演的非洲冒险片。片中有不少精彩的野生动物生态镜头,捕兽场面也拍得相当热闹刺激,加上在阳刚气息中穿插的一些幽默笑料和浪漫爱情,使本片维持了一定的娱乐性。在环保意识已普遍抬头的今天,象这类题材的影片已很难看到了。 由Sean Mercer 领导的一班猎兽团﹐专门在非洲捕捉野生动物﹐售给世界各地动物园﹐不过他们从不使用刀枪﹐却使用绳索及围困的方法﹐为免伤害到牠们。某天当他们捕捉一头犀牛的时候﹐其中一位名为Indian 的队员受伤了﹐需要一种特别的血型来输血﹐众人担心不已﹐幸好Chips在﹐不过这名陌生人要求在猎兽团中得到一份工作。另一方面﹐这晚突然来了一位女士﹐名为Anna Maria﹐她是买家派来的一位摄影师﹐要求在捕猎时拍摄过程﹐Sean大吃一惊﹐因为他一直以为那人是一位男生﹐于是这个由一位少女 Bra...
简介:故事以美国南北战争结束后的中西部旷野为背景,托马斯·道森(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)白手起家,在养子马修(蒙哥马利·克利夫特 Montgomery Clift 饰)和帮手格鲁特的协助下,他历时14年的辛苦经营,终于在美国德州的一片大草原上建立起自己的大牧场。因为南方经济萧条,托马斯决定把牧场里超过一万头的牛赶往北方的密苏里州贩卖。他召集人马,充分准备,这群西部牛仔赶着大批牛群,开启了这趟千里之旅。 这趟艰难险阻的旅途让牛仔们越发疲倦,也让牧场主托马斯越发固执严厉,逐渐失去人心。终于,马修带头反抗,其他牛仔们也纷纷跟从。把受伤的托马斯留在原地后,这支大部队向另一个方向出发。这趟跋涉千里的赶牛之旅能否走向成功?
简介:桑顿(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)曾是活跃在赛场上的冠军拳王,然而,一场意外中,他失手将对方打死。痛苦的桑顿就此告别了拳坛,回到了故乡爱尔兰,在那里隐居。一天,桑顿邂逅了名为玛丽(玛琳·奥哈拉 Maureen O'Hara 饰)的女子,玛丽的美丽和温柔深深的吸引了桑顿的注意,很快,两人就双双坠入了爱河。 然而,玛丽的哥哥威尔反对妹妹和桑顿走到一起,为了为难这对佳偶,他故意在妹妹出嫁的时候克扣她的嫁妆,以此表示对桑顿的侮辱。玛丽希望桑顿能够替自己出头讨回嫁妆,但桑顿却想息事宁人,两人之间因此产生了矛盾。最终,桑顿还是找到了威尔,两人大打出手。