简介:The Amazing Race 7 was the seventh installment of the popular reality television show, The Amazing Race. This installment ran from March 1, 2005 to May 10, 2005. Filming began on November 20, 2004 and finished on December 19, 2004. In this edition of the race, a change was made to the non-elimination leg penalty. In addition to being stripped of all their money and receiving no allowance for the next leg of the race, teams were forced to surrender all of their possessions, except for their passports and the clothes they were wearing, for the remainder of the race. (This penalty came to be referred to as "mugging" by fans.) They were also no longer allowed to beg for money prior to the start of the next leg (after the next leg started, they can beg for money). The racers could also receive or buy clothing or toiletries from other teams. In September 2005, Season 7 won a Primetime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Reality-Competition Program", the third consecutive award for the television series. Although Seasons 5 and 6 were also eligible, producers chose Season 7 since it was the most recent installment of the show. The DVD for Season 7 was released on December 20, 2005. Episode titles are often taken from quotes made by the racers. 1.Courteous? This is a Race! – Megan 2.The Whole Country Hates Me – Lynn 3.Do You Need Some Mouth-to-Mouth 4.Resuscitation? – Gretchen 5.What A Gaucho You Are! – Gretchen 6.I've Been Wanting A Face-Lift for A Long 7.Time – Gretchen 8.Houston, We Have An Elephant – Uchenna 9.They Saved The Eyeball – Gretchen 10.Mow 'Em Down Like Grass – Ron 11.We Have A Bad Elephant – Gretchen 12.We Got a Gnome! We Got a Gnome! – Joyce 13.The Devil Made Me Do It – Kelly 14.Five Continents, 25 Cities, And More 15.Than 40,000 Miles – Phil Keoghan
主演:贾斯汀·比伯 罗布·迪尔德克 麦莉·赛勒斯 泰勒·斯威夫特
简介:明星大整蛊是美国的整人真人秀。它的播出从2003年就开始了,由Ashton Kutcher和Jason Goldber制作播出。节目前八季里面,我们看到主持人Ashton Kutcher用各种手段整各位名人。整人的过程用隐藏摄像机拍下来。受到整蛊的名人包括Jessica Alba, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake,Allen Iverson,小威廉姆斯等影视界,音乐界以及体育界等诸位大牌。明星大整蛊在07年宣布停播。不过在2012年3月,MTV台宣布将重新启动Punk'd的拍摄,主持人将邀请不同的明星嘉宾。原先的主持人Ashton Kutcher退居幕后做监制。在播出的第一集里面,请来了当红加拿大歌星Justin bieber作为客串主持。