主演:卡米拉·卢丁顿 斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特 派特里克·费斯克勒
导演:Dallas Richard Hallam Patrick Horvath
简介:从事尸体清理工作的美丽女孩琼(卡米拉·卢丁顿 Camilla Luddington 饰)和青年警官丹·迈耶(斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特 Scott Michael Foster 饰)是一对同居中的情侣。近一段时间,恶性杀人案件越来越多,联邦调查局的分析师特拉斯·巴拉德(派特里克·费斯克勒 Patrick Fischler 饰)为此也介入调查,他怀疑近期的案件都和20年前甚嚣尘上的犹大杀人案有关。某天,巴拉德特工找上门来,他讲述了连琼自己都不知晓的身世之谜,更警告她可能成为犹大杀人案接下来的受害者。 内心乱作一团的琼送走巴拉德,当晚她便遭遇了离奇恐怖的事件。与此同时,脑中的影像与现实重合,可怕的梦魇正渐渐向她逼近……
主演: Shane Curry 斯蒂芬·瑞 Kelly O'
简介: 故事发生在爱尔兰的首都柏林,那里是迪伦(肖恩·库瑞 Shane Curry 饰)和凯利(凯莉·奥涅尔 Kelly O'Neill 饰)的故乡。迪伦的父亲沉迷于酒精之中,喝醉了就在迪伦的身上撒气,一直以来都过着压抑生活的迪伦早就对自己的人生失去了信心和希望。凯利也好不到哪里去,她家中有兄弟姐妹六人,忙于工作的母亲根本就无暇照顾膝下子女,只能任由六个孩子自由发展。 就是这样的两个孩子,他们相遇了,一种心心相惜的情感迅速拉近了两人之间的关系。圣诞节来临了,在一片灯火辉煌之处,又遭遇了父亲毒打的迪伦和无法忍受碌碌无为的生活的凯利决定离家出走,迪伦希望能够找到自己的哥哥,同时找到他和凯利两人的未来
主演:斯科特·巴库拉 杰斯米·盖 娜塔莉·科尔 艾什丽·佩顿
简介:《猫不跳舞》是个有关一夜成名的故事。主人公丹尼是一只极有天赋的猫,它毕生的愿望就是成为明星,然而当它发现在好莱坞只有人类才能获得好角色的这个事实之后,星路一度受挫。在大屏幕上,动物们可以发出各种叫声,但是猫却不能跳舞。幸好它新结交了一些朋友:热情的河马蒂利、可爱却悲观的猫小姐索亚、可爱的企鹅帕吉。在这些朋友的帮助下,丹尼打破种种障碍,刻苦努力,终于实现了自己的梦想。 好莱坞讽刺喜剧动画,调侃米高梅、派拉蒙、福克斯,克拉克盖博、琼克劳馥、加里格兰特等一众好莱坞老牌电影公司及明星,尤以恶搞秀兰邓波儿为甚。黄金年代至九十年代各类型经典电影海报,也以特别的方式一一展现,十分生动有趣。 《猫不跳舞》是一部继《狮子王》后此类电影中的一流作品!影片制作精美、乐曲动人、节奏轻快、充满智慧。朗朗上口的乐曲令人耳目一新、神清气爽!《猫不跳舞》的情节带有很大的励志色彩,当每一个人面对自己的梦想而前进的时候,都应该如同片中可爱的小猫一样,充满信心和勇气!
简介:本季的流言终结者共有25集,分别是: 第70集(本季第1集)兴登堡号疑云(跑赢鳄鱼的方法) 第71集(本季第2集)海盗特集(炮弹与碎木片,眼罩,兰姆酒去渍,短刀割帆) 第72集(本季第3集)逃出落水车(纸能对折七次吗) 第73集(本季第4集)测速照相机(爆炸心电复苏) 第74集(本季第5集)狗的迷思(老狗学不理了新把戏?,通过警卫犬,干扰寻血猎犬) 第75集(本季第6集)流言档案新解(重验:乐器火箭炮,射穿狙击镜,手指塞枪管,铁锤vs铁锤) 第76集(本季第7集)声音灭火(催眠迷思) 第77集(本季第8集)飞鸽减车重(分裂快艇) 第78集(本季第9集)忍者特集(水上行走,空手夺白刃,徒手抓飞箭) 第79集(本季第10集)西部传奇(致命的安全气囊) 第80集(本季第11集)拖车流言大集合(跟在车后省油,致命的爆胎,霹雳游侠李麦克) 第81集(本季第12集)手榴弹英雄(自我催眠,可乐+曼陀珠=爆炸的胃) 第82集(本季第13集)冰雪特集(雪崩,冰冻舌头,冰上驾驶) 第83集(本季第14集)棒球流言大集合(潮湿的棒球,软木填充球棒,滑垒上垒,打落球皮) 第84集(本季第15集)观众提问特集(打喷嚏掉眼睛,倒车档停车,爆破炸车) 第85集(本季第16集)红布惹牛怒(热子弹,瓷器店里的牛) 第86集(本季第17集)超级英雄大检验(爪钩枪,幽灵侠戒指,电话亭迅速更衣,蝙蝠车90度急转弯) 第87集(本季第18集)流言再进化(忍者赤手拍子弹,逃出落水车,测速照相) 第88集(本季第19集)引爆油迹(致命电击器,黑火药桶) 第89集(本季第20集)引爆热水炉(热水炉火箭,牛仔裤流言,牛仔裤紧缩夺人命) 第90集(本季第21集)巨物迷思(超大鲨鱼,超大喷射计程车,超大火箭车,超大油轮滑水) 第91集(本季第22集)桶里射鱼(解辣妙方,大象怕老鼠) 第92集(本季第23集)海盗特集2-神鬼奇航篇(划桨船潜艇,颈下活埋,炮弹混战) 第93集(本季第24集)蒸气机关枪(战胜测谎器) 第94集(本季第25集)模拟飞行(通讯引导降落,惊爆点三部曲)
简介:本季的流言终结者包含20集正片和1集SP,共21集。分别是: 第95集(本季第1集)庞德特集(上)(电磁铁表,瓦斯桶爆破,飞天快艇) 第96集(本季第2集)铅汽球升空(爆炸冲浪) 第97集(本季第3集)输送带上的飞机(打不死的蟑螂.,胡泡恶作剧) 第98集(本季第4集)庞德特集(下)(爆炸原子笔,杀人帽,大钢牙) 第99集(本季第5集)观众提问特集2(原始人剑头,机枪扫射砍树,遮阳膏,牛仔裤高空滑降逃命,破洞火药桶) 第100集(本季第6集)马盖先特辑(钠弹逃狱,竹子超轻航机,马盖先闯天关) 第101集(本季第7集)阿拉斯加特集(叼炸药的狗,麋鹿车祸,小屋热症) SP11(本季第8集)青年科学家特辑 第102集(本季第9集)2008鲨鱼特集(戳眼驱鲨,装死避鲨,磁铁驱鲨,狗诱鲨鱼,要命的手电筒,辣椒防鲨,跳动鱼诱鲨) 第103集(本季第10集)炸药嫩肉(不要生气上路) 第104集(本季第11集)登月疑云(伪造照片,真空状态,影片放慢造假,月球雷射) 第105集(本季第12集)恶作剧电子邮件(病毒式影片:消防员得起重机,发昏羊,木屑加农炮,隐形水) 第106集(本季第13集)电话簿摩擦力(黑火药鲨鱼) 第107集(本季第14集)电击水枪(火热流言:爆炸灭火器,过火) 第108集(本季第15集)蒙眼开车(高尔夫大乱斗:9成空气,闪电钉鞋,地鼠终结者) 第109集(本季第16集)忍者特集2(忍者重出江湖:徒手接箭,水中吹标刺杀,一吋拳) 第110集(本季第17集)酒精流言(醉眼出西施,火厢车,快速解酒) 第111集(本季第18集)机车翻转特技(越狱传奇) 第112集(本季第19集)破棺逃生(什么才能防弹2) 第113集(本季第20集)轰然落幕(粪土擦不亮,快跑着地,轰然落幕) 第114集(本季第21集)观众提问特集3(竹子酷刑,碱金属爆炸,喝酒御寒,钢琴爆炸)
简介:Last Rights is a supernatural drama that explores the struggle of those who have answered an ad and accepted a deal from a man named Concord. Concord negotiates to allow access to Nirvana, where all worldly troubles disappear. In exchange, those who accept the deal must give him all of their possessions and stay in a house for one week. In the house are four caretakers who test each participant to see if they qualify for Nirvana or if they end up in the graveyard behind the house. The series explores and questions faith, morality, tolerance, and common sense; these are the tests of the caretakers. At the end of each week, Concord returns to the house to evaluate the test results of the participants to decide the fate of each guest and of the caretakers. Set in small town America, at the end of a charming little street. This house has stood here long before anyone can remember, or anyone can forget. It has it's own personality and once inside you truly understand what that means. Whole floors will appear and vanish, walls will move, and artifacts will be uncovered, all so the house can show you your purpose for being there. Not even the caretakers can truly understand or control the will of the house. It is truly the key to all the answers that the caretakers and guests are looking for. In season one, the house, which we find out, is possessed with the spirit of Concord's mother and Concord are waging a war of power to control the house. Caught in the middle are the guests as well as the caretakers. "Mother" and Concord alike will use these people as pawns to gain the upper hand. All this, as the caretakers try and conduct their "business as usual". Not to mention a graveyard full of spirits trying to get out. Everyone battling to keep their Last Rights!
导演:Cole Sprouse Dylan Sprouse Brenda Song Ashley Tisdale Phill Lewis Kim Rhodes
简介: 一对十二岁的双胞胎男孩 Zack(Dylan Sprouse)和Cody(Cole Sprouse)还有他们的妈妈是这所波斯顿高档Tipton酒店的长期住客。在这里,他们认识了新朋友London(Brenda Song)和Maddie(Ashley Tisdale)。Zack和Cody接二连三的恶作剧把Tipton旅馆变成了他们的游乐场。在搞笑、捣蛋、引发混乱的同时,也带着London和 Maddie疯了一回。 Outrageous shenanigans ensue when 12-year-old twin boys Zack (Dylan Sprouse) and Cody (Cole Sprouse) turn the upscale Boston hotel where they live (The Tipton) into their o...
简介:Last Rights is a supernatural drama that explores the struggle of those who have answered an ad and accepted a deal from a man named Concord. Concord negotiates to allow access to Nirvana, where all worldly troubles disappear. In exchange, those who accept the deal must give him all of their possessions and stay in a house for one week. In the house are four caretakers who test each participant to see if they qualify for Nirvana or if they end up in the graveyard behind the house. The series explores and questions faith, morality, tolerance, and common sense; these are the tests of the caretakers. At the end of each week, Concord returns to the house to evaluate the test results of the participants to decide the fate of each guest and of the caretakers. Set in small town America, at the end of a charming little street. This house has stood here long before anyone can remember, or anyone can forget. It has it's own personality and once inside you truly understand what that means. Whole floors will appear and vanish, walls will move, and artifacts will be uncovered, all so the house can show you your purpose for being there. Not even the caretakers can truly understand or control the will of the house. It is truly the key to all the answers that the caretakers and guests are looking for. In season one, the house, which we find out, is possessed with the spirit of Concord's mother and Concord are waging a war of power to control the house. Caught in the middle are the guests as well as the caretakers. "Mother" and Concord alike will use these people as pawns to gain the upper hand. All this, as the caretakers try and conduct their "business as usual". Not to mention a graveyard full of spirits trying to get out. Everyone battling to keep their Last Rights!